Sunday, December 1, 2013

Sister Andersen

Just listened to this speech...loved it... I will put it here twice since I am learning to use the embed option..

This is just a picture I captured using the pause button on the video and them the "snipping tool" Windows has...
 You can cut and paste this URL to view this, too. can click on this link

Elder Andersen's talk..his wife talks 3/4s in

````````````````````Here is the results of the embed option

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Blogging People

Amy told me about this blogger who lives in Provo, Utah...she met the author of The Book Thief...she writes about the books she is an example...

Monday, November 11, 2013

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Hazelnut Picking

Dennis had a find the place where he discovered hazelnuts growing last July.

When he was little, he and my dad would go picking them and bring home big sacks of them and spread them out on the garage roof to dry.

We drove around for a while and finally Dennis found the start of this leg of the Green Circle Trail, so we parked the car and set out on foot.

As we were walking on the path, and in the brush and under the trees in our search for hazelnuts on the Green Circle Trail, I asked my brother if there were ticks this time of year...No, he said, it is not tick season. Later I heard that Molly's Anna had a tick on her from some hiking adventure she was on in Missouri at about this same time...also my mom had her one and only tick experience in mid October one year! In both instances, these people (my mom, and Anna) had to be given powerful antibiotics. advice to all...check yourself for ticks if you go to places like this! I did not check myself this time, since I believed Dennis! Luckily I did not have one.

Dennis discovers some hazelnuts...but this was mid September...the best time, we learned from a fellow hiker that day, to pick is mid August.
The leaves of a hazelnut bush.

Hazelnuts grow in clusters, and each nut is covered with a pair of leaves...

Dennis ventures further into the brush.

Hmm...hairy branches on these hazelnut bushes.

Another close up.

Joanie ...loving being surrounded by... G R E E N  ! ! !

Lots of long grass...and baby oak trees growing low.

...and ferns..yes, they grow in all the woods around here.

Those hazelnuts are so cute...

Continuing down the trail...
A unique stand, a large expanse, of grey trunked trees...the light grey color of these straight tall pine trees
had a strange effect on the eye and brain....hard to explain...

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Talented people

This gal has the coolest ideas on her boards at Pinterest. I put her link here so as to remember it!
This Provo gal...has an esty shop and sewing tutorials on her site

Monday, August 12, 2013

Catching Up On Blogs/Sites of the Week for Week  of   June 16-20th June 23-28 July 1-7 July 8-14 July 15-21 July 22-28         July 30- Aug 9 for Back to School Week Aug 11-16

What It Is Like To Observe Your Own Alzheimer's

This blog fascinated me because we have an extended family member who is suffering from this condition...

Snipping tool!

The other day, Fox showed me "snipping tool" on our Family History Center's Windows 8 computer. He snipped a photo from an obituary clipping that had been digitized. Then he  attached the photo to his family tree.
It is on Windows 7 too, just have to search for it.Fox says if you use it enough, it will then appear in your top tool bar.
I told Jeanne about it and she tried it (snipped astill shot from a youtube video) and it worked (Windows 7).
So this morning I tried it. There was a video on about a cardboard cop set up by some scare off people from stealing the bikes.
Here is the snipped picture...of the "cut out" of a real policeman.
from  ...

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Monday, June 24, 2013

Gandhi's 1931 Speech in England

A Famous Speech by Gandhi, 1931.

It is 6 minutes log and you can hear his actual voice at the link below.

this is the full text of his speech, taken from this same site.

In October 1931, Mahatma Gandhi visited London where he addressed a large gathering. The Mahatma's address took place at the Kingsley Hall.

He called this address as his spiritual message. Here's the famous speech by the Mahatma. (Text courtesy:

"There is an indefinable mysterious power that pervades everything, I feel it though I do not see it. It is this unseen power which makes itself felt and yet defies all proof, because it is so unlike all that I perceive through my senses. It transcends the senses. But it is possible to reason out the existence of God to a limited extent. Even in ordinary affairs we know that people do not know who rules or why and how He rules and yet they know that there is a power that certainly rules. 

In my tour last year in Mysore I met many poor villagers and I found upon inquiry that they did not know who ruled Mysore. They simply said some God ruled it. If the knowledge of these poor people was so limited about their ruler I who am infinitely lesser in respect to God than they to their ruler need not be surprised if I do not realize the presence of God - the King of Kings.

Nevertheless, I do feel, as the poor villagers felt about Mysore, that there is orderliness in the universe, there is an unalterable law governing everything and every being that exists or lives. It is not a blind law, for no blind law can govern the conduct of living being and thanks to the marvelous researches of Sir J. C. Bose it can now be proved that even matter is life. That law then which governs all life is God. Law and the law-giver are one. I may not deny the law or the law-giver because I know so little about it or Him. 

Just as my denial or ignorance of the existence of an earthly power will avail me nothing even so my denial of God and His law will not liberate me from its operation, whereas humble and mute acceptance of divine authority makes life's journey easier even as the acceptance of earthly rule makes life under it easier. I do dimly perceive that whilst everything around me is ever changing, ever dying there is underlying all that change a living power that is changeless, that holds all together, that creates, dissolves and recreates. That informing power of spirit is God, and since nothing else that I see merely through the senses can or will persist, He alone is. And is this power benevolent or malevolent ? I see it as purely benevolent, for I can see that in the midst of death life persists, in the midst of untruth truth persists, in the midst of darkness light persists. Hence I gather that God is life, truth, light. He is love. He is the supreme Good. But He is no God who merely satisfies the intellect, if He ever does. God to be God must rule the heart and transform it. He must express himself in every smallest act of His votary. This can only be done through a definite realization, more real than the five senses can ever produce. 

Sense perceptions can be and often are false and deceptive, however real they may appear to us. Where there is realization outside the senses it is infallible. It is proved not by extraneous evidence but in the transformed conduct and character of those who have felt the real presence of God within. Such testimony is to be found in the experiences of an unbroken line of prophets and sages in all countries and climes. To reject this evidence is to deny oneself. This realization is preceded by an immovable faith. He who would in his own person test the fact of God's presence can do so by a living faith and since faith itself cannot be proved by extraneous evidence the safest course is to believe in the moral government of the world and therefore in the supremacy of the moral law, the law of truth and love. Exercise of faith will be the safest where there is a clear determination summarily to reject all that is contrary to truth and love. I confess that I have no argument to convince through reason. Faith transcends reason. All that I can advise is not to attempt the impossible."


Here is a great quote I found...on a piece of paper in my box of papers...source: p.218.
But in what book? I do not know.

 Here is the quote:

 "When your mind is still, you can work hard and be active every day of your life and still be at rest, because you will not be working under the goal of personal ambition. That's the secret of Gandhi, who worked for a selfless cause fifteen hours a day seven days a week even in his seventies, but never got exhausted, because, he said 'I am always at rest.'

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Dream Room gets the credit for this photo....

Why I like this room: It has one full wall open to the outdoors. It has a spacious look....just lots of floor space! The built in bookshelf! A needed desk and a few chairs.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

How she gets her energy

My mother in law Betty has a lot of energy. She is 89. Needs no cane, walker, oxygen, etc.and  is not on blood pressure meds. Just levothyroxine and lovastatin. That's it. She takes a simple over the counter pain reliever pill-a generic brand, no less, from her little local pharmacy- every day around 4 to perk her up if she starts to lag a bit. It has 64 mg. of caffeine plus acetaminophen. She stay sup until 1 very articulate and bright. Goes shopping daily. Has a salad daily. And ice cream. Loves movies. Gives things away a lot. Never has any pain.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Spiritual Housecleaning Notes

I have been slowly cleaning house...going through boxes of Parker's and notes and throughout out stuff and filing other stuff. I came across some notes I took while reading Kathryn L.Robyn's "Spiritual Housecleaning":

P.9. "Attending to your rooms is a way of attending to your soul."

Kitchen=hearth, nurture others

Bathroom=purification, preparation (like ancient temples)

bedroom=renewal, sleep, dream, read, sex

Living room=contact with the culture at large,plus communion with the soul

P.10  "way to inner peace is through the work of daily maintenance."

Cleaning is like healing..."Cleaning creates an empty space where something new-life-can happen, leaving a free area for a fresh approach.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

What To Wear

I found this in a magazine and took a picture of the actual magazine page...(Can't recall the name of the magazine)...but what a nice way to help achild get ready for each day.

Thomas Jefferson on Gardening


Thomas Jefferson was a very prolific planter and gardener (in addition to his many other talents.) In 1776, he drafted The Declaration of Independence of the United States. He was President of the U.S. from 1801-1809. In 1803, the Louisianna Purchase was concluded and The Lewis and Clark Expedition was launched under his stewardship.

An ardent planter and an agricultural expert, Jefferson grew hundreds of varieties of vegetables, flowers, herbs and trees at Monticello.

I found Jefferson's gardening quotes very interesting and thought I would share them with you. Below is a small collection of his quotes relating to agriculture.

1817 May 10. "The pamphlet you were so kind as to send me manifests a zeal, which cannot be too much praised, for the interests of agriculture, the employment of our first parents in Eden, the happiest we can follow, and the most important to our country." (TJ to William Johnson, GB572)

1795 Apr. 29. "It [agriculture] is at the same time the most tranquil, healthy, and independent [occupation]." (TJ to J. N. Démeunier, Writings.1028)

1785 Aug. 23. "Cultivators of the earth are the most valuable citizens. They are the most vigorous, the most independant, the most virtuous, and they are tied to their country and wedded to it's liberty and interests by the most lasting bands." (TJ to John Jay, B.8.426)

c. 1781. "Those who labour in the earth are the chosen people of God, if ever he had a chosen people, whose breasts he has made his peculiar deposit for substantial and genuine virtue. It is the focus in which he keeps alive that sacred fire, which otherwise might escape from the face of the earth."

"Cultivators of the earth are the most virtuous and independant citizens." (Notes on the State of Virginia, Writings.290, 301)

Favorite blog for Week April 14-20, 2013

I like this because she is very crafty and upbeat.....and she just plain inspires me!!!!!!!!

She has a clever blog with some videos on her unique family..they adopted a boy with Down Syndrome. See her story!! Learn from her!

Week of April 21-27 Catch up on Favorite Blogs, Sites

This one has wonderful nature pictures and a video of high energy kids running and flipping at this free running academy place.

So this is for week of April 21-27

This one is for week of April 7-13

Monday, April 1, 2013

Blog of the Week April 1

Since I love BICYCLES and BICYCLE RIDING...this week I have 2 blogs that I have discovered that are really really good!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Blog of the Week March 24

I have to start saving these sites somehow.
 For the last few weeks, it seems like once or twice a week,  I happen upon a blog that is so clever and inspiring and beautiful, that I start reading and reading and forget about going to any other site for a long while. I sit back and take a deep breath and smile and say: This is one amazing blog.

I just can't get over how talented some people are! And sometimes I even start to imagine that I might be talented, too, or at least wiling to work as hard as these gals.

So starting today I am initiating the Blog of the Week post.

This week's blog of the week is:

I particularly read her chicken coup posts...

This gal is so funny...and smart. I do not think I will ever forget this site and when I have some spare time and when there is a computer in front of me...or an iPad...I will be sure to go back to this site and read and smile some more. is

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Art Everywhere

In a doctor's examining room...colored pencil work..

the design of a soda pop can...the blue ring pop top...the Indian design...
 John's CD  case....

Fantasy Books

W H E E L   O F   T I M E  series

I don't usually read fantasies. I read non fiction mostly: memoirs, health books, biographies, social commentaries, political exposes. I have some grandchildren who read exclusively fantasies...also my son-in-law Fox reads a lot of them. I listen in amazement to people who know all about the Lord of the Rings series and how they have such devotion to the books and strong opinions about what it all means. I have seen the Lord of the Rings movies and  I have listened to a dramatized version of The Chronicles of Narnia.  I did read Orson Scott Cards Ender's Game because Harrison Ford stars in the movie that will come out at the end of this year.Fantasy has not been my thing. But there is a whole world of folks out there who absolutely love it.  
Today I discovered just in some random reading on the Internet..
The Wheel of Time series.
Oh my..where have I been all this time?
This  is from
The Wheel of Time is a series of epic fantasy novels written by American author James Oliver Rigney, Jr., under the pen name Robert Jordan. Originally planned as a six-book series, The Wheel of Time now spans fourteen volumes, in addition to a prequel novel and a companion book. Jordan began writing the first volume, The Eye of the World, in 1984 and it was published in January 1990.[1]
The author died in 2007 while working on what was planned to be the final volume in the series, although he had prepared extensive notes so another author could complete the book according to his wishes. Fellow fantasy author and long-time Wheel of Time fan Brandon Sanderson was brought in to complete the final book, but during the writing process it was decided that the book would be far too large to be published in one volume, and would instead be published as three volumes: The Gathering Storm (2009), Towers of Midnight (2010) and A Memory of Light (released on 8 January 2013).[2]
The series draws on numerous elements of both European and Asian mythology, most notably the cyclical nature of time found in Hinduism and Buddhism, the concepts of balanceduality, a matter-of-fact respect for nature found in Daoism, as well as a creation story similar to that of Christianity in "The Creator" (Light) and "The Dark One". It was also partly inspired by Leo Tolstoy's War and Peace.[3]
The Wheel of Time is notable for its length, its detailed imaginary world, its well-developed magic system and a large cast of characters. The eighth through thirteenth books each reached number one on the New York Times Best Seller list. As of August 14, 2008 the series has sold over 44 million copies worldwide[4] and has spawned a computer gameroleplaying game and a soundtrack album. The television and film rights to the series have been optioned several times, most recently by Universal Studios.

SHOULD A MOVIE EVEN BE ATTEMPTED? is a subject many have talked about!

So now I am wondering if I should perhaps read this series sometime.....Hmmmm....